Prelude to a Kiss
By Craig Lucas
February 14-23, 2020
When Peter, a man from a broken family, meets Rita, an insomniac bartender with no faith in the future, only one thing can happen: they fall in love and get married. Then, on the evening of their nuptials, an elderly stranger appears at the reception, bearing a kiss for the new bride. In this magical story, it is a kiss that tests the boundaries of the couple’s love. (Romantic Comedy)
Directed by Bob Baird
Aaron Young as Peter
Blake Lee as Taylor
Abby Jordan as Rita
Chris Brown as Dr. Boyles
Jean Jamison as Mrs. Boyles
Larry Evans as Old Man
Lydia Gillis, Lisa Merritt, and Darthea Powden as Ensemble
Production Crew
Bob Baird, Director
Pam McClure, Assistant Director
Karen Herman, Stage Manager
Gayle Jordan, Costume Designer
Erin Irvin, Set Designer
Tori Shue, Light Designer
Tom Arman, Sound Designer
Emily Strassell, Photographer